Federal Funding Updates
Supplemental Questionnaire Tips

Responses to the supplemental questionnaire, if required, are scored as part of the application. Be specific when responding to questions and never use "see resume". It is also important to know that each question receives an independent score, so never combine answers or use the phrase "see above."

Here are specific points to consider when responding to the questions on a supplemental questionnaire:

  • If the question has multiple parts (A, B, and C), answer each part separately and completely.
  • Repeat your answers if necessary. Remember, each question is independently scored.
  • Be sure to list any work experience, paid or volunteered, that is relevant. Think carefully about everything you have done in your past and skills you acquired, which would help do the job for which you're applying.
  • List your employment dates (month/year) and the hours you worked at each job where requested. Your answer cannot be scored if it is not clear how long you were employed. Be specific on hours worked. Partial credit is given for part-time employment.
  • Use "I", not "we", when describing job duties. Unless asked to, do not describe the process or procedure for completing the duty; only explain what you were responsible for performing.
  • Be sure you answer all of the questions. If you do not provide information on the questionnaire, you will not be given credit for the experience. The evaluator cannot assume anything or add information for you.
  • Do not leave a question blank. If you do not have any experience and/or training related to a question on the supplemental questionnaire, please indicate you have read the question and list "N/A" (not applicable) for your response. Each question is scored, but it is still possible for an applicant to continue in the selection process without having a detailed answer for each question asked.