Federal Funding Updates
Homes for Good - Maintenance

If you live in Homes for Good housing that we own and manage (you pay rent to Homes for Good) we can help!

First, determine how urgent your request is. We prioritize based on urgency, not on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. We’d love to take care of all items immediately, but sometimes our maintenance staff can be overwhelmed. Your accurate reporting of the issue will help us prioritize what gets repaired first. Also, please be sure to call the work order line 541-682-4010 when you first notice a problem at your unit so that we can fix it before it becomes an expensive repair where you might incur charges because of your delay.

How urgent is your repair? Here are some guidelines: Routine

Homes for Good typically responds within 5 to 15 working days for routine and non-critical work orders. Examples of routine work orders are:dripping faucets, partially inoperable interior doors, problems with cooking range or oven elements, or changing exhaust fan and heating system filters. Please call 541-682-4010 for all routine and non-critical maintenance requests. You may also submit an online request using the link on this page.


Emergency work orders are addressed within 24 hours. Examples of emergency work orders are: broken water pipes, flooding, roof leaks, complete power outages, the complete inoperability of the sewer/wastewater system, or a broken window or broken exterior door lock that prevents the unit from being able to be secured. An “emergency” is a situation that threatens your life, your safety, your ability to continue to occupy your unit, or that’s causing the building in which your unit is located to deteriorate.

During regular lobby hours please call 541-682-4010 for emergency requests. If you are calling before 5PM on regular business days but the lobby is closed to the public, call the Work Order line at 541-682-4010 and your message will be reviewed. If you are calling after 5PM, or on weekends, or Federal holidays, call the Emergency Work Order line at 541-359-8874. (If it is after office hours, make sure to stay on the line to hear all of the instructions.) Do not use the online request form for emergencies.

  • Contacting Maintenance Maintenance Phone Request

    When you call this number, you will be leaving a message for our Homes for Good maintenance team.

    After Hours Emergency