In 2013 Homes for Good Housing Agency established its nonprofit branch known as The Homes for Good Foundation. The Foundation’s purpose is to improve the living conditions and quality of life of low-income Lane County residents. The Homes for Good Foundation aims to provide stability and growth through:
- Scholarship Program
- Kids Club Programming
- Supporting Homes for Good Resident Services Programs
Homes for Good Housing Agency provides housing and services to over 4,000 households in Lane County each year. Our $1,000 scholarship annually for two years helps residents off to the right start, with support for their goals of continuing education. The scholarship also services residents going back to school or starting a vocational program later in life.
Our scholarship application is open to Homes for Good residents pursuing a college degree or vocational program. Our past recipients have went to study at UO, OSU, SOU, and Lane. The Homes for Good Foundation is the only organization in Lane County that provides scholarships specifically for low-income residents.
2025 Scholarship Flyer Folleto de información de becas 2025Cycle 2 Deadline: October 10th, 2025

Si necesita materiales traducidos para completar la solicitud de beca, comuníquese con Servicios para residentes al foundation@homesforgood.org o residentservices@homesforgood.org o 541-682-2580
For questions about the Scholarship, contact our Resident Services Team
Kids Club Programing
Homes for Good's Resident Services Team runs Kids Club programs at multiple of our sites. The focus is to provide a safe place for emotional learning, arts & crafts, reading, getting to know their peers, and gaining self-confidence. Our goal is to be a trusted adult in their lives and offer a space for them to flourish and grow.
Supporting Homes for Good Resident Services Programs
The Homes for Good Foundation supports existing Homes for Good Resident Services initiative such as providing extra funding for Food Programs, Sponsoring Kids Club and summer activities, and purchase other supplies for the programs. The Homes for Good Foundation does this through donations, and through grants only available to nonprofits.
Supporting the Homes for Good Foundation
Direct Donations
Currently anyone can support the Homes for Good Foundation through direct donations by writing a check to Homes for Good with "Homes for Good Foundation" in the subject line, or donate online through credit or debit card by clicking the button below.
Amazon Wish Lists for Permanent Supportive Housing Sites
Do you want to support individuals and families who have recently exited homelessness? Purchase any item on the Wish List and it will go directly to a resident of one of the Permanent Supportive Housing Sites we manage!
- 2) Find an item
- 3) Purchase an item
- 4) Amazon sends the item directly to Homes for Good Resident Services to be distributed to our residents
Fred Meyer Community Rewards
Fred Meyer customers can earn rewards for their favorite nonprofit, Homes for Good Foundation, by shopping with their Rewards Card! Each time you shop at Fred Meyer with your Rewards Card, your shopping will be helping accrue donations.
Connect your Fred Meyer Account Here
Donate Bottles or Cans through Bottle Drop
You can divert money to the Foundation from your recycled bottles or cans by:
- 1) Going to the kiosk at Bottle Drop at either 2105 Broadway OR 60 Division Ave here Eugene and selecting the Homes for Good Foundation as a recipient.
- OR
- 2) Logging into your
Bottle Drop account online, selecting “View Details” under the “Donate from Your Balance” heading.
For other questions contact Jordyn Shaw: